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A Fast and Comprehensive Guide RNA Design Tool for Genome Editing, Repression and Activation.

A Fast and Comprehensive Guide RNA Design Tool for Genome Editing, Repression and Activation (CRISPR-ERA)
Here we describe a web tool called CRISPR-ERA for automated genome wide sgRNA design. CRISPR-ERA can provide different sgRNA searching approaches for genome editing, such as Cas9 nuclease. In addition, CRISPR-ERA also generate sgRNAs for gene activation or repression using our large-scale database of CRISPRi in different genomes. Now nine (two bacterial speices: E.coli, B. subtilis; one yeast: S. cerevasiae; C. elegans, fruit fly, zebrafish, mouse, rat, human) model organisms are provided in this web tool.
Note: We support the latest versions of the following browsers: Internet Explorer (>=v10), Firefox (>=v28), Chrome (>=v4), Opera (>=v10), Safari (>=v30)

STEP 1: Specify the types of manipulation on the genome

Gene editing
Gene repression Gene activation

STEP 2: Specify the organism

STEP 3: Specify the gene manipulation

News and Updates

  • 11/20/2014 CRISPR-ERA v1.1
  • 12/08/2014 CRISPR-ERA v1.2


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